Join the Social Workers
Virtual Book Club

 Brought to you by PBC Guru

Join our virtual community to earn up to 18 continuing education credits per licensure renewal cycle while connecting with fellow social workers and enjoying interesting books. Participation is $79 per year for members and $99 per year for non-members. Enter your email below to get started or scroll down for more info.

How it Works

The book club will be an opportunity for social workers to read interesting books as a group and discuss them online through a private forum. Participants will earn 3 continuing education credits for each book that they read and pass a short quiz with a score of 80% or more. Participants will have two chances to take each quiz for credit. The group will complete a book every two months (six books per year) allowing participants to earn up to 18 CEUs per licensure renewal cycle. Please note that some states limit the number of CEUs that can be applied to license renewal which is explained in the FAQs below. Books will be selected based on the interests of the members and a vote between several options each period.

The time commitment for the group will depend on how fast you read and how much you choose to participate. This allows a lot of flexibility which we hope will be appropriate for people's busy lives.

If you want to read more, earn CEUs and connect with other social workers then please sign up!

Why Join?

There are three main reasons we hope you'll be excited to participate in the book club:

1. Connect with Social Workers: Want to connect with intelligent, driven and interesting people in our industry? Joining the book club will introduce you to a lot of great people and help you improve your network.
2. Earn Continuing Education Credits: Participants will earn 3 continuing education credits for each book they read and pass a short online quiz. Earn up to 18 continuing education credits without needing to leave the comfort of your home.
3. Reading is Good for You: Did you know business people who read at least seven business books per year earn over 230% more than people reading just one book per year?1 Or that reading improves your intelligence, reasoning ability and has been linked to reducing the chance of Alzheimer's?2 Joining our book club will help you read more and enjoy all the benefits that come with it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often will books be read, what is the time commitment and what are the expectations?

The group will start by reading one book every two months but this may change based on members feedback. The books selected will be popular non-fiction related to social workers and take an average of 7 hours to read cover to cover. If you have between 15 and 30 minutes a week to read you should be fine. There are no strict expectations on members for this virtual community; if you are particularly busy with work, family or other obligations and can't read one of the books then it's OK. If you can only read part of a book and contribute a little to the online discussion then that's OK too. The goal of this program is to connect social workers together through important topics so participate as much as makes sense for you.

Will there be any in person meetings of the book club?

The book club will be completely online so people can participate from work, home or traveling.

Is there any cost to participate?

Participation is $79 per year for members and $99 per year for non-members. This includes taking the quizzes online for credit. We charge this fee to offset the administrative cost and to help ensure that participants are committed to this online community.

How do I get the books?

Participants can get books for free at their local library or purchase them.

How do book club discussions work?

The book club will be managed by PBC Guru. One of their book club experts will moderate the private forum where discussions occur online. The moderator will pose questions to the group, share relevant articles and encourage conversation about topics in the book. Members will be able to post and share as well. This format allows for ongoing conversation and makes it easy for participants to connect with each other.

What if I don't have a Forum Profile?

We're using a private forum to host the virtual book club so it's easy to connect with fellow participants. During our sign up process, you will enter the information to auto-generate your free profile. After you complete the sign up, we'll send you a link to the forum and you can begin to post right away!

What exactly is PBC Guru and what do they have to do with Social Workers?

Professional Book Club (PBC) Guru is a company founded to help organizations implement and manage professional reading programs. Social Workers are teaming up with PBC to put this program in place for members. You can check out their website at if you want to see more of what they do.

What states participate and how many CEUs can I earn for license renewal in my state through the book club?

  • Alaska: There is no limit.
  • Connecticut: 6 credits per licence renewal can come from the book club
  • Colorado: up to 20 hours every two years for the independent learning category
  • Kansas: There is no limit.
  • Michigan: allows up to half (22.5) of your continuing education per renewal cycle to be earned through alternative learning methods, including the virtual book club
  • Missouri: 15 of 30 credits per licensure renewal cycle can come from virtual programs like the book club
  • North Carolina: up to 18 credits per year
  • North Dakota: up to 10 credits per year
  • Oklahoma: 8 of 16 credits per yearly licence renewal can come from virtual programs like the book club
  • Pennsylvania: up to 18 credits per year
  • Virginia: 12 credits per licence renewal can come from the book club

What if my question isn't answered?

Feel free to send an email to and we'll be happy to help.

1 Tuesday Morning Coaching by David Cottrell, pg 134.
2 Harvard Business Review, 2012,

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